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10.24 - the days are long, the years are short

Time is movement. Our Greek friend Aristotle certainly thought so.

We say things like “time flies” or “time stood still.” Most of us have had the experience where a month wouldn’t end, while at other times, we blink and an entire season seems to vanish before our eyes. Einstein nailed it, stating that time is relative—the rate at which time passes depends on an individual's frame of reference. This relativity of time plays into how we experience life’s milestones, struggles, and triumphs.

As we near the final quarter of 2024 (91 days from today, to be exact), reflect on what moments have stretched on endlessly. Which moments flew by in a blink? Time may be relative, but how we use it shapes the story of our lives. This month, you'll hear from a growth coach, an engineer, a scientist/pilot/model (basically a real-life Bond girl,) and a fiction podcaster and digital strategist. Each of them has harnessed their experiences, turning adversity into purpose, and their stories remind us that time, when paired with intention, is a force for transformation.

If you're open to it...I've been working on a draft lunar journal. The journal is a system I use that breaks larger goals into manageable actions, tracked over 28-day lunar cycles. It’s a way to align goal-setting with natural rhythms, and I’ve found it incredibly helpful in seeing progress with my goals and ambitions. If you would like to test out an abbreviated digital copy, just reply to this email—I’d love to hear your feedback!




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